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How Granular Charcoal Filters Bad Well Water

Writer's picture: TeenaTeena

Granular Activated Carbon

Granular Activated Carbon in Well Water Filters

I'm going to do this backwards.

First, I'm going to tell you why you would need granular activated carbon and what contaminants it can filter out of contaminated well water.

Next, I'll talk about well water testing and why it's so important!

What is Granular Activated Carbon

Granular activated carbon is a highly effective and versatil filtration medium that is used in numberous applications.

It's produced by heating carbon-rich materials, such as wood, peat, coal, or coconut shells at high temperatures to create a porus and highly adsorbant material.

The process works by attracting dissolved minerals and chemicals in your water supply. When these contaminants come into contact with this natural substance, they become trapped within its pores or spaces between each piece of carbon (this is called absorption).

This process happens very quickly because there are so many tiny holes between each piece of carbon--each one acting like an individual trap!

This granular activated carbon is extremely useful in purifying water, air, and more.

How Does Granular Activated Carbon Work?

The porous nature of granular activated carbon allows it to trap impurities and chemicals, making it an excellent filter medium.

The process is similar to how your lungs work: when you breathe in air, microscopic particles stick to the surface area of your lungs and are eventually expelled when you exhale. In this case, however, you're breathing out clean water instead of air (but still gross-looking stuff).

According to the US EPA, it's used in water purifiation systems to remove odors, foul taste, organic matter like decomposed leaves, synthetic organic compounds, chlorine, pesticides, and VOC's.

Plus, it also removes:

  • Nitrates

  • Fluoride

  • Arsenic

  • Iron and manganese (which can cause staining on your clothes)

  • Sulfates

glass of water
Aaaaahhh... Clean Clear Water

Advantages of Using Granular Activated Carbon

The advantages of using granular activated carbon are many.

It's a cost effective solution for removing impurities from water and it's easy to install and maintain.

It's a natural product that is safe for use in a variety of applications and does not release any harmful chemicals in the environment.

One of the best parts of using granular activated carbon is that it's a sustainable solution to bad well water.

The granules also have an impressive lifespan. It can be regenerated and reused many times before being replaced.

Well water is a precious resource, and the quality of your water is important.

You should test the water in your home to determine if it has contaminants, then take steps to address those issues.

A granular charcoal filter is a good option for removing contaminants from your well water.

water testing kit
Well Water Home Test Kit

Test Your Home's Well Water to Find the Right Solution

If you're wondering how to test your home's well water, there are a few things to consider.

First and foremost is what contaminants you want to test for.

While all of these tests can be done at home (and some will require little more than a test kit), many of the tests will result in a negative result.

It's a good idea to test for a wide range of contaminants. They are typically included in well water testing panels.

Here are some common contaminants:

  • Test for bacteria in your well water by using an EPA certified kit (available online or at hardware stores). Many states require this if you plan on using the water for drinking or cooking purposes (i.e., preparing food). If there are no regulations in place where you live regarding testing requirements for private wells, then it's up to each individual homeowner how frequently they choose do so--but we recommend doing it at regular intervals!

  • Nitrates can also cause issues if present at high levels in drinking water; this is especially true if pregnant women drink from these sources regularly and/or if infants consume them via formula mixed with tap water instead of filtered milk products like powdered infant formulas made specifically with purified H20.

Why You Need A Granular Charcoal Filter

If you're like most people, you don't want to drink untested well water.

It might taste bad, smell bad and contain trace amounts of contaminants that could harm your health.

But if you've got a well and no other options for drinking water (or if you're just stubborn), it's important that you know how to improve the quality of your well water by installing a granular charcoal filter system.

The main purpose of these systems is to remove contaminants from groundwater sources such as aquifers or underground streams. They do this by trapping harmful particles inside tiny holes in the filter material itself--a process known as adsorption--which prevents them from passing through into your faucet when turned on for use.

people jumping
Who Needs Granular Activated Carbon?

Who Should Use a Granular Charcoal Filter for Their Well Water?

If you have well water and want to remove contaminants from it, a granular charcoal filter is an option for you.

You can also improve the taste and smell of your water by using this filter media. If you have high levels of contaminants in your well water, then this type of media will likely be most effective at removing them.

To Sum It All Up!

So, if you've ever wondered how bad well water can be filtered with granular activated charcoal, we hope this article has helped answer your questions.

It's important to remember that there are many different types of filtration systems out there and not all of them are created equally.

If you're looking for something that will do more than just remove odors from your water, then look no further than our Homemade Well Water Filter!

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

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